ECR Engineering
Call us at (415) 205-3804
to schedule a FREE consultation!


ECR Engineering provides a comprehensive package of structural, seismic and design services for architects and building owners. We are not just structural engineers. We’re business owners too. We have a common goal: your project, delivered to the highest standard, on time and within budget.    

Our services include:

  • Probable Maximum Loss Risk Assessments
  • Residential Additions, Alterations, and Improvements, New Floor Plan Configurations
  • Soft-story Solutions (Adding/legalizing units) & Seismic Strengthening
  • Converting Spaces (Basements)
  • Deck / Story Additions
  • Structural Inspections For Owners/Third Parties
  • Foundation Inspections
  • Adding Garages / Basement Rooms
  • Non-structural Anchorage/Bracing
Open Floor Plan
New Exterior Spiral Staircase
Removal Of Load Bearing Wall

We pride ourselves on never delivering anything less than perfection to our clients with our promise to provide unique designs. Our engineers design customized solutions based on a marriage of the performance objective of the owner and engineering solutions.

A small investment in engineering could potentially save significantly on overall project cost. A properly engineered structure does not have to be extremely strong or expensive. It has to be properly designed to withstand the seismic effects while sustaining an acceptable level of damage.